I'll try anything but I mainly only play PvP FPS games, everything else ends up being too tedious and gets boring.
I've never owned a console, I have been on PC my whole life.
Grandmasters 1 DPS in Overwatch and multi-masters in Apex but I play with viewers in any rank from bronze to grandmasters.
Widowmaker, Ashe, Sojourn, McCree (Cassidy) and any other hitscan DPS
Apex Legends:
Wraith, Horizon, Bangalore and Ash
I confidently play all hitscan DPS and prefer to only play hitscan but I can play all the heroes except for Wrecking Ball, Junkrat and Brigitte. I never bothered to learn them since it didn't seem to fit my playstyle.
Type !howtoplay in the Twitch chat for instructions when I'm live - New followers and subbed users can join queue by typing !join in the twitch chat.
Or you can purchase Metafy lessons from me here.
Overwatch : 3.5 ingame / 800 dpi
Apex Legends : 1.0 ingame / 800 dpi
Check the links above for my main hitscan reticle
Every other Friday I host open lobby community server PUGs. All ranks and platforms are welcome from bronze to top 500 and I personally balance the teams myself.
Every other Friday between that, I also host open lobby community custom workshop games like Ana paintball, Kiriko headshot, Widow headshot, etc etc. There are also some original custom modes that I made myself!
I always use the Spider Widowmaker skin but I also like the default OW2 skin, Talon, Patina, Black Lily, Pale Serpent, Noire, Cyberdemon and Ange de la Mort skins.
I am currently using Raijin but I also like the default OW2 skin, Poolside and Warlock.
Yes, I offer coaching for DPS hitscan, map knowledge and game sense on Metafy!
You can book a session here.
Email : ttvlrn2aim@gmail.com
Discord : Lrn2aim
Bnet : Lrn2aim#1120
I literally do nothing. I don't even own a hairbrush.